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Events & Publications

CPI Initiative: Rethinking Travel Advice to Support Ukraine

Russia’s support. A Key Factor To Maintain Maduro’s dictatorship.

A Report for the Centenary Policy Institute By Daniel Lacalle

Effective Russia Sanctions for 2024: How to

Stop Funding Putin’s War Machine?

based on closed door roundtable discussion in close collaboration with TGS Baltic at Cercle Royal Gaulois, Brussels on January 25 th, 2024

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Ukraine’s Transformation: Reaching EU

Accession Goals During Wartime

based on closed door roundtable discussion at Fairmont Hotel, Kyiv on November 23th, 2023

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Belarus: At the

Edge of Radical Change

based on closed door roundtable discussion held at Vilnius Klubas on July 4th, 2023

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Breaking the Chains: Freeing Europe and Ukraine from the Kremlin

based on closed door roundtable discussion held at Vilnius Klubas

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Ukraine’s Defense Industry: Building for Victory

A Report for the Centenary Policy Institute By Owen Matthews

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This House Believes that Peace is More Important than Justice in the Ukrainian War

held a parliamentary-style debate at St Antony's College, Oxford on September 15th, 2023


Remigijus Šimašius, CPI Senior Policy Analyst highlights: Economic Dimension of European Way for Belarus: What is our goal and how can we achieve it?

meeting held at the Belarus Coordination Council on July 19 th, 2023

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